About Us

Raya Specialist Clinics is an integrated network of healthcare facilities offering specialized medical services across various disciplines. These disciplines include general surgery, cosmetic surgery, dermatology, neurology, gynecology, and ENT (ear, nose, and throat). Additionally, the clinics feature advanced laboratories to provide precise diagnostic services.

General Surgery and Cosmetic Surgery 

Raya Specialist Clinics provide a wide range of general surgery procedures to address various medical conditions. The clinics also offer cosmetic surgery services aimed at enhancing physical appearance and boosting self-confidence, utilizing the latest techniques and adhering to the highest medical safety standards.


Raya Specialist Clinics prioritize skin, hair, and nail health, offering treatments for a variety of dermatological conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, and skin pigmentation. Dermatologists at the clinics employ the latest medical technologies to ensure optimal results.


The neurology department at Raya Specialist Clinics provides comprehensive services for diagnosing and treating neurological conditions such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, strokes, and movement disorders. The department features a team of highly experienced and skilled neurologists.


The gynecology department offers comprehensive care for women at all stages of life, from basic health care to complex surgical procedures. Services include pregnancy check-ups, family planning, treatment of gynecological diseases, and postnatal care.

ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) 

This department specializes in treating a wide range of conditions affecting the ear, nose, and throat, including ear infections, breathing problems, and allergies. Doctors use the latest medical equipment to ensure accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

Laboratories and Diagnostics 

Raya Specialist Clinics feature state-of-the-art laboratories equipped with the latest technological devices to provide precise diagnostic services. These services include blood tests, bacterial analyses, hormonal tests, and chronic disease diagnostics, ensuring accurate and rapid results that aid in effective treatment planning.

Raya Specialist Clinics strive to provide exceptional healthcare, focusing on patient needs and comfort. With a qualified medical team and the use of advanced technologies, the clinics ensure the highest standards of quality in healthcare, maintaining the utmost safety and efficiency standards.

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